Saturday 10 August 2013

Property Purchase Part 2


So what happened next?

Pulling out of buying the flat meant that we would only be looking at houses. All along we had wanted a house and a garden so we haven't regretted our decision at all. Once you factor in the service charges, the mortgage on a flat isn't much less than a mortgage on a house, so we felt we could afford it. We immediately started looking at properties and viewed about 10 in total. Most of them were pretty terrible but we did view two that we really liked. One was a three bedroom house with massive rooms, but a tiny garden. The other was a Victorian terraced house with two bedrooms and a large garden. I fell in love with the Victorian one and my boyfriend preferred the 3 bedroom one simply because of the space. Although he did like the Victorian one. Problem.

We viewed both of them again but the 3 bedroom just didn't feel right to me, luckily the boyfriend agreed that the Victorian one was lovely. Yes! I truly believe that for the big decisions in life you should follow your gut feeling. The Victorian house just felt RIGHT. So we put in a (low) offer, which was rejected, but it started negotiations. We put in a higher (more reasonable) offer, which again was rejected but the estate agent asked what was the most we could offer. We said we could add another £500 but that was as high as we could go. After a very tense few minutes he phoned back to say the seller had accepted! Yippee!

That was 6 weeks ago. The waiting is terrible, but we are nearly there (I think). I CANNOT wait to move. I've got plans for a lovely log burner, a vegetable patch and gorgeous bird cage wallpaper.

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